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Mastering the bulk recruitment round

A bulk recruitment round is a process by which multiple, similar roles are recruited in one go and meet a demand for specific types of skills, but can be a challenge to pull off successfully.

In this blog post, we will explore some techniques and best practices for managing bulk recruitment rounds, ensuring efficiency, and getting the outcome you want from the process.

Plan, plan, plan:

  • Define job roles and requirements: clearly identify the positions you need to fill and outline the necessary qualifications, skills, and experience for each role.

  • Streamline the screening process: develop a standardised screening process from application form stage to phone screens to allow efficient filtering of a large pool of applicants.

  • Create a detailed recruitment timeline: establish a timeline that outlines key milestones, including application deadlines, screening dates, interview rounds, and final decision-making.

  • Allocate resources: ensure you have adequate staff available, interview rooms, and technological infrastructure in place to successfully manage this process.

Leverage technology:

  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS): an ATS can help manage and track candidate applications, automate communication, and store applicant data securely.

  • Video interviews: using video conferencing platforms to conduct initial screening interviews can help you save time and eliminate geographical constraints. Record these interviews for further evaluation and comparison.

  • Online assessments: evaluate candidates’ skills and competencies using online assessments which can be customised for each job role and provide valuable insights into candidates’ capabilities.

Make interviews fit-for-purpose:

  • Panel interviews: opt for panel interviews to evaluate multiple candidates simultaneously. This allows for consistent evaluation, reduces interview time, and facilitates direct comparisons between candidates.

  • Structured interviews: develop a standardised set of questions for each job role to ensure objective evaluation of each candidate and make the process more transparent.

  • Behavioural questions: include behavioural questions to not only assess technical skills but also problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit.

Prioritise candidate experience:

Even in a bulk recruitment process, it is essential to prioritise the candidate experience. A positive experience can enhance your employer brand and attract high-quality candidates. Consider the following:

  • Prompt communication: make sure to provide updates to candidates at every stage of the recruitment process. Ideally, candidates are notified of outcomes of applications within two weeks and outcomes of interviews within one week.

  • Personalised approach: find ways to personalise the interview experience for each candidate, ensuring they feel valued and respected.

  • Post-selection feedback: once the recruitment process is complete, provide feedback to candidates, whether they were successful or not. Even an automated message to unsuccessful candidates can make or break their perception of your company.

Conducting bulk recruitment rounds can be overwhelming, but with proper planning, leveraging technology, and focusing on candidate experience, you can streamline the process and find the best talent for your organisation. By following these strategies and best practices, you will be well-equipped to handle large-scale hiring efficiently and effectively, ensuring a successful outcome for your recruitment efforts.

If you want more advice or direct assistance with managing a bulk recruitment round, get in touch with us at